AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
13 daysvimrc change int main() macro to k&r indent styleDrNuget
13 dayscustom tmux session scriptDrNuget
13 daystmux.conf added small configsDrNuget
13 daysmove manpager def to .profileDrNuget
13 dayslfrc and image previewsDrNuget
14 daysvimrc latex jump marker macroDrNuget
2025-01-19vimrc latex macros usepackage,subsubsection,titleformatDrNuget
2025-01-18vimrc tree keybind and some latex macrosDrNuget
2025-01-18vimrc latex begin/end tag macroDrNuget
2025-01-18vimrc remove capital letters from keybindsDrNuget
2025-01-17dwl scriptsDrNuget
2025-01-17custom emoji pickerDrNuget
2025-01-16initial commitDrNuget