{ "section": "Electric", "title": "Vacuum Freezer", "stream": [ { "type": "textbox", "content": [ "The §6Vacuum Freezer§r is one of the more important Multiblocks, as it allows you to get actual ingots from super heated Blast Furnace outputs." ] }, { "type": "slots", "item_list": [ { "id": "gregtech:machine", "damage": 1002, "count": 1 } ] }, { "type": "textbox", "content": [ "Any ingots made in the §6Electric Blast Furnace§r that have a blast temperature of greater than §91750§r K will not generate regular ingots, but instead will generate Hot Ingots. These Ingots will damage the player when held, and are required to be cooled down in the Vacuum Freezer." ] } ], "fixed": [ { "type": "card", "x": 6, "y": 189, "width": 178, "height": 105, "fill": -3745585, "isShadow": true }, { "type": "slots", "x": 7, "y": 198, "width": 56, "height": 18, "item_list": [ { "id": "gregtech:machine", "damage": 1151, "count": 1 } ] }, { "type": "slots", "x": 14, "y": 224, "width": 43, "height": 18, "item_list": [ { "id": "gregtech:machine", "damage": 1166, "count": 1 } ] }, { "type": "textbox", "x": 54, "y": 199, "width": 100, "height": 20, "content": [ "Item Input bus. Maximum 1" ] }, { "type": "textbox", "x": 53, "y": 223, "width": 100, "height": 20, "content": [ "Item Output Bus. Maximum 1" ] }, { "type": "slots", "x": 8, "y": 249, "width": 55, "height": 18, "item_list": [ { "id": "gregtech:machine", "damage": 1181, "count": 1 } ] }, { "type": "slots", "x": 1, "y": 274, "width": 68, "height": 18, "item_list": [ { "id": "gregtech:machine", "damage": 1196, "count": 1 } ] }, { "type": "textbox", "x": 52, "y": 248, "width": 100, "height": 20, "content": [ "Fluid Input Hatch. Optionally 1" ] }, { "type": "textbox", "x": 51, "y": 273, "width": 100, "height": 20, "content": [ "Fluid Output Hatch. Optionally 1" ] } ], "metatileentity": "vacuum_freezer" }