{ "section": "Primitive", "title": "Primitive Blast Furnace", "stream": [ { "type": "textbox", "content": [ "The §6Primitive Blast Furnace§r is the main multiblock of the Steam Age. It is used for making the first §1Steel§r, which is the main gateway to the §2LV§r age." ] }, { "type": "slots", "item_list": [ { "id": "gregtech:machine", "damage": 1000, "count": 1 } ] }, { "type": "textbox", "content": [ "Unlike other §3Gregtech§r Multiblocks, there are no multiblock parts that can be used in this structure. It is only composed of the controller and the Primitive Bricks." ] } ], "fixed": [], "metatileentity": "primitive_blast_furnace.bronze" }