{ "section": "Multiblocks", "title": "Multiblock Troubleshooting", "stream": [ { "type": "textbox", "content": [ "If a multiblock is formed, but you are having troubles figuring out why it does not run:\n§9-§r Check if the Multiblock is properly plugged in (we all make these mistakes!).\n\n§9-§r Do the initial Maintenance fix.\n\n§9-§r Verify the recipe usage, the max EU/t has to be greater than that of the recipe.\n\n§9- §rCheck the special requirements the recipe may have (JEI always has some kind of indication for it).\n\n§9-§r Make sure the recipe is properly input, this is less obvious than in a regular machine because you have to juggle between Input Bus and Input Hatch.\n\n§9-§r Make sure there is space for output. Maybe the multiblock formed but you forgot a Hatch. The other biggest offender is the Output Hatches being too low tier and having too little capacity!" ] } ], "fixed": [] }