diff options
4 files changed, 93 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/.bashrc b/.bashrc
index d35d0eb..4f803a3 100644
--- a/.bashrc
+++ b/.bashrc
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ alias grep="grep --color=auto"
alias vrc="vim $HOME/.config/nvim/init.lua"
+alias mn="udisksctl mount -b"
+alias um="udisksctl unmount -b"
#Arch default PS1:
PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ "
diff --git a/.config/mpv/mpv.conf b/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2dfe9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.config/nvim/init.lua b/.config/nvim/init.lua
index 86800d7..e3ceaf8 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/init.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/init.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
set nu
+ set rnu
set smarttab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
@@ -7,11 +8,15 @@ vim.cmd([[
set autoindent
filetype plugin indent on
- colorscheme vim
- set notermguicolors
+ set guicursor=n-v-c-i:block
+ set nohlsearch
set splitbelow splitright
+ " PIO filetype
+ autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pio set filetype=pio
" Insert mode hjkl
inoremap <C-h> <left>
inoremap <C-j> <down>
@@ -24,26 +29,30 @@ vim.cmd([[
cnoremap <C-k> <up>
cnoremap <C-l> <right>
- nnoremap <space> :
+ let mapleader = " "
nnoremap <leader>o o<esc>
nnoremap <leader>O O<esc>
nnoremap <leader>t :NvimTreeOpen<enter>
+ nnoremap <leader>ff :Telescope find_files hidden=true<enter>
- nnoremap <tab> <esc>/<++><enter>vf>di
+ nnoremap <tab> <esc>/<++><enter>ca<
" Vim Wiki Macros
- autocmd Filetype vimwiki inoremap m<tab> -<space>[<space>]<space>
+ autocmd Filetype vimwiki inoremap m<tab> - [ ]<space>
autocmd Filetype vimwiki inoremap h<tab> ==<left>
autocmd Filetype vimwiki inoremap hh<tab> ====<left><left>
+ autocmd Filetype vimwiki inoremap l<tab> [[]]<left><left>
+ autocmd Filetype vimwiki inoremap t<tab> <esc>:VimwikiTable<enter>0ja
" C Macros
- autocmd Filetype c inoremap im<tab> int<space>main()<enter>{<enter><enter>return<space>0;<enter>}<up><up><tab>
- autocmd Filetype c inoremap i<tab> #include<space><><left>
- autocmd Filetype c inoremap w<tab> while()<space>{<enter>}<esc>ke2li
- autocmd Filetype c inoremap f<tab> for(;;)<space>{<enter>}<esc>ke2li
- autocmd Filetype c inoremap s<tab> switch()<space>{<enter>}<esc>ke2li
+ autocmd Filetype c inoremap im<tab> int main()<enter>{<enter><enter>return 0;<enter>}<up><up><tab>
+ autocmd Filetype c inoremap i<tab> #include <><left>
+ autocmd Filetype c inoremap I<tab> #include ""<left>
+ autocmd Filetype c inoremap w<tab> while() {<enter>}<esc>ke2li
+ autocmd Filetype c inoremap f<tab> for(;;) {<enter>}<esc>ke2li
+ autocmd Filetype c inoremap s<tab> switch() {<enter>}<esc>ke2li
" HTML Macros
autocmd Filetype html,php inoremap im<tab> <!DOCTYPE html><enter><html><enter><body><enter><enter></body><enter></html><up><up><tab><tab>
@@ -73,8 +82,8 @@ vim.cmd([[
autocmd Filetype tex inoremap nc<tab> \newcounter{}<enter>\forloop{}{}{\value{}}{<enter>}<esc>kkf}i
autocmd Filetype tex inoremap fl<tab> <esc>0f{lvf}hyj0f{p/\\value{<enter>f{pl:noh<enter>a
autocmd Filetype tex inoremap ut<tab> \usetikzlibrary{}<left>
- autocmd Filetype tex inoremap ts<tab> \tikzstyle{}<space>=<space>[<++>]<esc>0f{a
+ autocmd Filetype tex inoremap ts<tab> \tikzstyle{} = [<++>]<esc>0f{a
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
@@ -127,15 +136,73 @@ require("pckr").add{
- "nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua",
+ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
+ run = ":TSUpdate",
config = function()
- require("nvim-tree").setup()
+ require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup({
+ ensure_installed = {"c", "lua"},
+ sync_install = false,
+ auto_install = true,
+ highlight = {
+ enable = true
+ }
+ })
- "vimwiki/vimwiki"
+ "loctvl842/monokai-pro.nvim",
+ config = function()
+ require("monokai-pro").setup({
+ transparent_background = true,
+ terminal_colors = true,
+ devicons = true,
+ styles = {
+ comment = { italic = false },
+ keyword = { italic = false },
+ type = { italic = false },
+ storageclass = { italic = false },
+ structure = { italic = false },
+ parameter = { italic = false },
+ annotation = { italic = false },
+ tag_attribute = { italic = false }
+ },
+ filter = "pro",
+ inc_search = "background",
+ background_clear = {
+ "toggleterm",
+ "telescope",
+ "nvim-tree",
+ "renamer",
+ "notify",
+ },
+ plugins = {
+ bufferline = {
+ underline_selected = false,
+ underline_visible = false,
+ },
+ indent_blankline = {
+ context_highlight = "default",
+ context_start_underline = false,
+ },
+ }
+ })
+ vim.cmd("colorscheme monokai-pro")
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'LineNrAbove', { fg='gray', bold=true })
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'LineNr', { fg='white', bold=true })
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'LineNrBelow', { fg='gray', bold=true })
+ end
+ },
+ {
+ "nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua",
+ config = function()
+ require("nvim-tree").setup()
+ end
+ "vimwiki/vimwiki",
+ "mattn/calendar-vim",
+ "mikebentley15/vim-pio",
- "mattn/calendar-vim"
+ "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", tag = "0.1.8",
+ requires = { {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"} }
diff --git a/.tmux.conf b/.tmux.conf
index 31f0776..9b5ce8d 100644
--- a/.tmux.conf
+++ b/.tmux.conf
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ bind m split-window -v
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
set -g status-fg white
set -g status-bg black
+setw -g mode-keys vi
+bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'v' send -X begin-selection
+bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'y' send -X copy-selection
+bind p pasteb
# Smart pane switching with awareness of Vim splits.
# See: