path: root/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric
diff options
authorDrNuget <>2024-09-01 02:09:01 +0300
committerDrNuget <>2024-09-01 02:09:01 +0300
commita803b2a49c8419f4999629f989ba0649a4f57d4d (patch)
tree280b816ee6afc8cecd4855cc0b33424f198e6b96 /config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric
parent58b8c20b9aefe1bf1ec4c00b9f3217d770e8e525 (diff)
modify gregtech configs
Diffstat (limited to 'config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric')
18 files changed, 958 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/advanced_fluid_drilling_plant.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/advanced_fluid_drilling_plant.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20f7045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/advanced_fluid_drilling_plant.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Advanced Fluid Drilling Plant",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oExtreme is very apprioriate this time around, and you will see why.§r\n\nAt the cost of 4x the drilling Power, the §3Advanced Fluid Drilling Rig§r will be gaining §616x the output§r in Fluid.\nThe depletion of veins is also halved. This means you will get a total of §632x§r as much Oil (or whatever fluid) from a bedrock fluid vein until depletion!\n\nEven when depleted, you can still use this and be very power positive.\n\nOne single §3Advanced Fluid Drilling Rig§r should be enough to supply Power for a base up to §dLuV§r Age and possibly beyond!\n\nAs a brief §9reminder§r:\n§9-§r §aLight Oil§r can be used for §dLPG§r and §dMethane§r, to run in §3Large Gas Turbines§r.\n§9-§r §aOil§r can be used for §dDiesel§r and §dCetane-Boosted Diesel§r, to run in §3Large Combustion Engines§r.\n§9-§r §aHeavy Oil§r can be used for §dNitrobenzene§r, to run in §3Large Gas Turbines§r."
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "fluid_drilling_rig.hv"
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/advanced_processing_array.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/advanced_processing_array.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffe5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/advanced_processing_array.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Advanced Processing Array",
+ "stream": [],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "advanced_processing_array"
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/assembly_line.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/assembly_line.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..379c8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/assembly_line.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Assembly Line",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oNo. The Assembly Line is not just a big Assembler, it\u0027s a lot more than that!\nYou can also call it the Assline. Do not feel guilty.§r\n\nMaking §dLuV§r Components will require more work.\nThe §3Assembly Line§r is an entry point towards late game.\n\nThis Multiblock has a §cvariable size§r. Each §3ULV Input Bus§r accepts a different stack of items.\nYou will want to build this with a size of §d10§r to get started, or of a size of §d14§r to accept all possible recipes.\n\nRecipes require §aFluids§r, so it is a good idea to keep the §3Input Hatches§r permanently filled with §dSoldering Alloy§r, §dLubricant§r and §dStyrene-Butadienne Rubber§r.\n\nMy recommendation of Assembly Line §4automation§r goes as follows:\nHave your Interface face an §3Item P2P§r. Set two output P2Ps, into the first §3Input Bus§r, and into §3Item Pipes§r. Make your Item Pipes connect to all Input Buses including the first.\nDo not forget §dBlocking Mode§r, and you have got yourself an easy automation! This will also work flawlessly once we inevitably add ordered item inputs.\n\n\n§bLots of Lore:§r GT5\u0027s Assembly Line is a massive project to work towards, even more so than here. You are required to scan items to put their construction data into a Data Stick. That Data Stick is then required to fit into a Data Hatch which has limited slots on the Assembly Line.\n\nThe recipe could only be viewed by printing a book with the Data Stick! It was then made to display in NEI once you acquire the item.\nTecTech made a nice machine which acts as a recipe viewer for the Data Stick (this mod is so great...).\n\nFurthermore, Item and Fluid inputs are required to be ordered the same way as the recipe indicates it. This makes automation of the Assembly Line a nice challenge which can be solved using other mods, redstone, GT item pipes... you pick it.\n\nWe are planning to port some of the GT5 features, as the Assembly Line §lshould be a challenge§r for the player."
+ ]
+ }
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+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "assembly_line"
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/basic_fluid_drilling_rig.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/basic_fluid_drilling_rig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e504de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/basic_fluid_drilling_rig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Basic Fluid Drilling Rig",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oFinally, Fluid Drilling Rigs in GTCEu!§r\n\nIt is quite an investment to get to run a §3Fluid Drilling Rig§r, but it is by far the most prominent §6source of Oil§r.\nIt pumps fluids from underneath Bedrock. Note that the fluids aren\u0027t actually there, instead they are simulated.\n\nFluid veins are stored within regions of §48x8 chunks§r. Each vein has a different fluid, but they are mostly types Oil.\nYou are not able to do prospection for fluid veins §oyet§r, this will come in the §6HV§r Age.\n\nEach vein generates with a different base yield. This is typically between §d150L§r to §d300L per second§r.\n\nWhen drained, fluid veins will slowly deplete. This will cause the fluid yield to decrease over time, until it reaches its depletion yield. At that point you should move the Rig to somewhere else.\nA §3Basic Fluid Drilling Rig§r will last for 100,000 operations (with 1 second per operation) until depletion. This is enough for §6well over 10,000§r buckets of Oil. Higher tier Rigs will massively increase the yield, while also decreasing the depletion rate.\n\n\nWhat you can find in the §2Overworld§r:\n§9Oil:§r richer in §aLight Fuel§r, the most appreciated variant.\n§9Light Oil:§r richer in §aRefinery Gas§r, usable for power.\n§9Heavy Oil:§r richer in §aHeavy Fuel§r, which has uses that are more niche.\n§9Raw Oil:§r essentially a less dense version of §aOil§r, the least appreciated.\n§9Natural Gas:§r grants §aRefinery Gas§r with no distillation required.\n§9Salt Water:§r grants §aSodium§r and §aChlorine§r, useful later.\n\n§rWhat you can find in the §cNether§r:\n§9Natural Gas:§r grants §aRefinery Gas§r but with higher yield than the Overworld vein.\n§9Lava:§r you know what this is.\n\n\nFor starters you may have to tap randomly until you find something you like. Whatever you pump can be used to refuel your Fluid Rig."
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": ""
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/basic_ore_drilling_plant.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/basic_ore_drilling_plant.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200af4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/basic_ore_drilling_plant.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Basic Ore Drilling Plant",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "A completely §doptional§r Multiblock.\n\nThe §3Larger Miner§r is ridiculously good to collect ores from veins!\n\nOres are mined as if they were §amacerated§r, but they yield §6three times§r as many §dCrushed ores§r.\n\nYou will need §aDrilling Fluid§r automation to run this.\n\nYou might also want to use a §3Quantum Tunnel§r from AE2 and §3GTEU P2P Tunnels§r to transfer the items and to power it up.\n\n\n§bLore:§r There were some interesting side effects from porting this over from Gregicality, as the multiblock originated from GregTech 5... It\u0027s not perfect, as there isn\u0027t really any advantage on upgrading this miner to the advanced versions. We were thinking of rebalancing the energy costs and yield per tier, so there may be rework for this miner at some point!"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "large_miner.ev"
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/central_monitor.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/central_monitor.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c130ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/central_monitor.json
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ "metatileentity": "central_monitor",
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Central Monitor",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "slots",
+ "item_list": [
+ {
+ "id": "gregtech:machine",
+ "damage": 1029,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§lContents:"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "link": "introduction",
+ "content": [
+ "1. §9Introduction"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "link": "fluid",
+ "content": [
+ "2. §9How to build it"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "link": "item",
+ "content": [
+ "3. §r§9How to use it"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "link": "energy",
+ "content": [
+ "4. §9Plugins"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "§lIntroduction"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§c§lCentral Monitor§r is a multi machine for monitor (visualization and interaction).\n\nIt can monitor the storage and status of machines, including all §9Digital Interface Cover§r§9\u0027s §rfeatures, and extends the capabilities of machines to the screen.\n\nIn addition, there are many plugins that support more advanced features."
+ ]
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+ "\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "ref": "fluid",
+ "content": [
+ "§lHow to build it?"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "In order to build it, you need a §c§lCentral Monitor§r, several §c§lMonitor Screen§r, several §c§lSteel Metal Casing§r, and at least one §c§lEnergy Input Hatch§r.\n\nYou can build the screen from 3×2 to 14×9 (width × height). The default build height is 3, and you can adjust the screen height in the GUI before the structure formed.\n\n§lEnergy Cost:§r 50 EU/s for each screen."
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+ "ref": "item",
+ "content": [
+ "§lHow to use it?"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "1. The back of §c§lCentral Monitor §rcan be connected to cables or wires, which can be connected to the energy net to monitor all the machines being proxied (A §9Digital Interface Cover§r set with proxy mode is placed at the connecting side between the machine and the wire. ). Besides, a §9Wireless Cover §rthat is boung to the central monitor can also be used, avoiding using cables.\n\n2. Right click the §c§lCentral Monitor §ror screwdriver right click the §c§lMonitor§r to open the GUI for settings."
+ ]
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "ref": "energy",
+ "content": [
+ "§lPlugins"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "Put the plugin into the plugin slot for use. For specific features, please refer to their guide pages. The following are the supported plugins.\n\n§4§lNote§r§4: §rsome plugins need to work with the proxy mode in the §c§lCentral Monitor§r, and the proxy mode is only used for plugins."
+ ]
+ },
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+ "count": 1
+ },
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+ "id": "gregtech:meta_item_1",
+ "damage": 782,
+ "count": 1
+ },
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+ "id": "gregtech:meta_item_1",
+ "damage": 783,
+ "count": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/distillation_tower.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/distillation_tower.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea752f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/distillation_tower.json
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Distillation Tower",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "The §6Distillation Tower§r is the Variable Layer Multiblock form of the Single Block Distilleries. While the Distillery can only have one output from an input fluid, the Distillation Tower can get all possible outputs from the input fluid.\n\nHowever, the Distillation Tower has a few additional limitations. Most importantly, The number of fluids that the Distillation Tower can output is equal to the number of layers of the of the Multiblock. Additionally, the Distillation Tower cannot be formed with Multifluid output hatches, and the fluid input hatch must be located on the bottom layer of the structure."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "slots",
+ "item_list": [
+ {
+ "id": "gregtech:machine",
+ "damage": 1005,
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+ "count": 1
+ }
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+ "x": -1,
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+ }
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+ "count": 1
+ }
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+ "Fluid Output Hatch. Exactly 1 per layer"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 49,
+ "y": 267,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Fluid Input Hatch. Exactly 1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 46,
+ "y": 294,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Item Output bus. Optionally 1"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metatileentity": "distillation_tower"
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/electric_blast_furnace.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/electric_blast_furnace.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..483e092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/electric_blast_furnace.json
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Electric Blast Furnace",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "isCenter": false,
+ "content": [
+ "The §6Electric Blast Furnace§r is one of the main Multiblock Structures in Gregtech, and the main goal of earlygame progression."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "slots",
+ "item_list": [
+ {
+ "id": "gregtech:machine",
+ "damage": 1001,
+ "count": 1
+ }
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+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "Like all Gregtech Multiblocks, this structure is modular, and can be made up of many different combinations of Multiblock Parts."
+ ]
+ },
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+ "type": "card",
+ "fill": -3745585,
+ "width": 180,
+ "height": 190,
+ "isShadow": true
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "The §6Electric Blast Furnace§r can form with any combination of blocks above. For example, if the desired recipe does not deal with fluids, neither of the fluid related hatches are required.\n\nOverclocking the Blast Furnace is as simple as ensuring the the Multiblock has 2 Energy Inputs, so 4 Amps of energy can be received, which will ensure that the mutliblock runs at the tier above the energy inputs.\n\nFor the Blast Furnace specifically, the Muffler Hatch needs to be placed at the center of the top layer, and must face upwards."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "The §3Electric Blast Furnace§r, §3Pyrolyse Oven, §3Multi Smelter§r, and §3Cracking Unit§r all require heating Coils. But what are the advantages of using higher tier coils?\n\nThe latter three are quite straightforward. Higher tier coils reduce the §eprocessing time§r of the Pyrolyse Oven, reduce the §9energy usage§r of the Cracking Unit, and increase the §anumber of parallel smelts§r and reduce the §9energy usage§r of the Multi Smelter.\n\nFor the EBF, things get slightly more complicated. The EBF smelts items at a certain §dtemperature§r. This is mainly determined by the tier of heating coil used - §r§6Cupronickel§r is §d1800K§r, §bKanthal§r is §d2700K§r, etc. Additionally, starting from §6HV§r, each tier of energy adds §d100K§r to the temperature.\n\nEach EBF recipe has a certain base temperature, for example, §bAluminium§r is smelted at §d1700K§r. If the EBF temperature is not high enough, the recipe can\u0027t be done. If the EBF temperature is high enough, 2 different bonuses are applied:\n§9-§r For every §d900K§r above the recipe temperature, the amount of energy required is multiplied by §a0.95x§r, which stacks.\n§9-§r For every §d1800K§r above the recipe temperature, one additional overclock will be §6100% efficient§r; in other words, it will §5quadruple the speed§r, instead of doubling it."
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+ "The Controller block"
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+ "Item Input. Minimum 1"
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+ "content": [
+ "Item Output. Minimum 1"
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+ "x": 51,
+ "y": 230,
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+ "height": 10,
+ "content": [
+ "Fluid Input. No Minimum"
+ ]
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+ "x": 49,
+ "y": 251,
+ "width": 131,
+ "height": 10,
+ "content": [
+ "Fluid Output. No Minimum"
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 48,
+ "y": 271,
+ "width": 135,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Maintence Hatch. Required based on Config. Exactly 1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 48,
+ "y": 295,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Muffler Hatch. Exactly 1"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "x": 47,
+ "y": 318,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Energy Input. Minimum 1"
+ ]
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+ "metatileentity": "electric_blast_furnace"
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Fusion Reactor MK 1",
+ "stream": [],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "fusion_reactor.luv"
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+ "title": "Fusion Reactor MK 2",
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+ "metatileentity": "fusion_reactor.zpm"
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+ "title": "Fusion Reactor MK 3",
+ "stream": [],
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+ "metatileentity": "fusion_reactor.uv"
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Implosion Compressor",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "The §6Implosion Compressor§r is a Multiblock that turns gem dusts back into gems, as well as processes a few other recipes."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "slots",
+ "item_list": [
+ {
+ "id": "gregtech:machine",
+ "damage": 1003,
+ "count": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "Recipes in the Implosion Compressor use varying explosives with different efficiencies, so make sure to check recipes in JEI."
+ ]
+ }
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+ "x": 7,
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+ "width": 63,
+ "height": 18,
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+ "count": 1
+ }
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+ },
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+ "count": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 56,
+ "y": 146,
+ "width": 100,
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+ "content": [
+ "Item Input Bus. Minimum 1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 52,
+ "y": 172,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Item Output Bus. Minimum 1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 53,
+ "y": 203,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Muffler Hatch. Exactly 1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 55,
+ "y": 227,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Maintenance Hatch. Exactly 1"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "metatileentity": "implosion_compressor"
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index 0000000..257f082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/multiblocks/en_us/electric/large_chemical_reactor.json
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Large Chemical Reactor",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "The §3Large Chemical Reactor (LCR)§r is a multiblock §3Chemical Reactor§r with more input/output slots, which can handle more recipes thanks to Teflon.\n\nThe §3LCR§r can perform some exclusive reactions which allow you to combine multiple normal §3Chemical Reactor§r steps into a §6single step§r. Examples below:\n§9-§r §aNitrogen Dioxide§r (for Nitric Acid and Dinitrogen Tetroxide)\n§9-§r §aSulfuric Acid§r\n§9-§r §aPhenol§r\n§9-§r §aEpichlorohydrin§r (you need it for Epoxy§r!)\n§9-§r §aEpoxy§r\n\n\nThere are also §3LCR§r exclusive recipes. For example §aRadon§r requires it.\n\nAll §dOverclocks§r in the §3LCR§r are §6100% efficient§r; each overclock will §5quadruple the speed§r, as opposed to doubling it.\n\n\n§9Tip:§r Given the amount of LCRs you may end up using, I would recommend using the §dwallsharing§r to its full potential.\nYou may share one 2A (standard) §3Energy Hatch§r with 2 LCRs.\nYou may share §3Input/Output Hatches§r, but be careful to not make them run the wrong recipes.\nKeep in mind Maintenance is not sharable."
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "large_chemical_reactor"
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index 0000000..f2e7413
--- /dev/null
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Multi Smelter",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oThe §3§oMulti Smelter§r§o might be the §6§omost powerful Furnace§r§o in modded Minecraft.§r\n\nAt its lowest power (Cupronickel coils and LV Voltage), it smelts 32 items in just 12 seconds - equivalent to §926.7 Furnaces§r, or 3.3 Steam Ovens!\n\nNot to mention, standard §aoverclocks§r are in effect.\nAnd more importantly higher tier §3Coils§r increase the amount of items it can smelt in §dparallel§r! Higher tier §3Coils§r also provide better energy and duration discounts for recipes."
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "multi_furnace"
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index 0000000..0526093
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Oil Cracking Unit",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oLet\u0027s get cracking, shall we?§r\n\nThe §3Oil Cracking Unit§r is a multiblock meant to make cracked fluids. It has all the recipes of §3Chemical Reactor§r Cracking, but it is §6lossless§r.\n\nThis multiblock is §doptional§r, but it saves a lot of Fuel in the long term!\n\nHigher Coil tiers provide small energy discount, not too important."
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": [],
+ "metatileentity": "cracker"
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index 0000000..2ab24c2
--- /dev/null
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Processing Array",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oThe Processing Array does nothing... except that it does a lot!§r\n\nThe §3Processing Array§r is a power §6automation tool§r.\nIt combines several single block machines into one single multiblock.\nPlace up to §d16§r Machines into the §3Machine Access Interface§r.\n\nThe §3PA§r will now §asimulate§r all the machines you put inside, as if they were running at the same time.\nThis means recipes can now be performed up to §d16§r at a time, this is called §4parallel§r.\n\nPower cost is based on the current recipe being run, times the number of §4parallel§r being performed.\nAs an §9example§r, §316 LV Distilleries§r will require an §3HV Energy Hatch§r in order to run effectively.\n\n\n§cWhere or why is the Processing Array useful?§r\n§9-§r §4Parallelization is superior§r to oveclocking. Use it for passive setups such as Ore Processing or Oil Distilling.\n§9-§r §6Distinct buses§r: a §3PA§r can accept up to 10 §3Input Buses§r. Use it for your pattern automation with §3Extruder§r, §3Engraver§r, and many other.\n\n\n§9Note:§r With §2Gregicality Multiblocks§r installed, the §3PA§r can be mostly replaced with all the specialized Multiblocks instead. That\u0027s for you if you hate 3x3 blue cubes, or if you hate crafting numerous low tier machines.\n\n\n§bLore:§r In GregTech 5, the Data Orb was used to Matter Replicator to store data of the material you wanted to replicate. There is no replication here, the Orb is just a crafting component."
+ ]
+ }
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Pyrolyse Oven",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oThe Pyrolyse Oven processes organic products by thermal decomposition in an inert environment.§r\n\nThe §3Pyrolyse Oven§r is an electric equivalent of the §3Coke Oven§r. It can produce §9Coal Coke§r and §9Charcoal§r with a §9Creosote§r byproduct just as before, but also has additional §6Organic Byproducts§r. The most beneficial of these being §aWood Tar§r.\nAnother product is §aBiomass§r, which is more pertinent for progression §oright now§r.\n\nThose byproducts can be Distilled for an array of organic resources, with different byproducts giving different ratios of different chemicals.\nYou will need to read the §9Distillation§r Quest to hopefully understand the full scale..\n\nThere are recipes that can accept §bNitrogen§r to double the speed.\n\nThe §3Cupronickel Coils§r are more than enough to get started, but you will want to upgrade eventually. This is because the §3Cupronickel Coils§r actually have a processing speed malus, making all recipes slower. This malus turns into a processing speed bonus as the coil tier used increases.\n\n\n§9§lNote:§r§l The Plant path is one path towards §9§lEthylene§r§l. The other path involves Oil.§r\nThe Pyrolyse Oven remains §doptional§r. But it is great to have either for Power, or for the various Byproducts.\n\n\n§bLore:§r In GT5u, the structure for the Pyrolyse Oven is a giant box with only 9 coils inside. Players usually spend several minutes debugging what is wrong due to the lack of JEI preview."
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
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+ "section": "Electric",
+ "title": "Vacuum Freezer",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "The §6Vacuum Freezer§r is one of the more important Multiblocks, as it allows you to get actual ingots from super heated Blast Furnace outputs."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "slots",
+ "item_list": [
+ {
+ "id": "gregtech:machine",
+ "damage": 1002,
+ "count": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "Any ingots made in the §6Electric Blast Furnace§r that have a blast temperature of greater than §91750§r K will not generate regular ingots, but instead will generate Hot Ingots. These Ingots will damage the player when held, and are required to be cooled down in the Vacuum Freezer."
+ ]
+ }
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+ "fixed": [
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+ }
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+ "width": 43,
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+ "count": 1
+ }
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+ },
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+ "x": 54,
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+ "content": [
+ "Item Input bus. Maximum 1"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 53,
+ "y": 223,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Item Output Bus. Maximum 1"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "x": 8,
+ "y": 249,
+ "width": 55,
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+ "item_list": [
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+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 52,
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+ "Fluid Input Hatch. Optionally 1"
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+ },
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+ "type": "textbox",
+ "x": 51,
+ "y": 273,
+ "width": 100,
+ "height": 20,
+ "content": [
+ "Fluid Output Hatch. Optionally 1"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "metatileentity": "vacuum_freezer"