path: root/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks
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Diffstat (limited to 'config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks')
3 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/forming_multiblocks.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/forming_multiblocks.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e98245d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/forming_multiblocks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "section": "Multiblocks",
+ "title": "Forming Multiblocks",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oThis is a Guide to help you form Multiblocks and troubleshoot issues.§r\n\nThere are two really important factors to know when building Multiblocks.\n\n§lCheck the JEI preview:§r This one was probably obvious, but there\u0027s more than just a picture of how the Multiblock looks like! Use your mouse to §drotate§r the preview, §9hover over the parts§r to gain additional informations. The JEI page also contains the amount of blocks to build it. You can also §dright-click§r a block in the preview to get a display of all available blocks in that placement.\n\n\n§lThe JEI preview is a suggestion:§r There is no unique way to form the Multiblock. Most of the time, you have complete freedom for the §9tier of Buses/Hatches§r. And you also have the §dfreedom of placement§r.\n\nTaking the EBF as example, any tier of Energy/Bus/Hatch can be used, and they can be placed anywhere replacing a casing. Fluid Hatches are also optional, though you probably want them to handle recipes with fluid.\n\nAdditionally, you can §dsneak right-click§r the multiblock controller for an §6in-world preview§r, or use the §4Terminal§r\u0027s Multiblock Helper."
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": []
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/large_turbine_mechanics.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/large_turbine_mechanics.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a967020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/large_turbine_mechanics.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "section": "Multiblocks",
+ "title": "Large Turbine Mechanics",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "§oThe Large Turbines are the most complex Multiblock Generators there exists in GTCEu in the present day.§r\n\nLet\u0027s start with the §4drawbacks§r of §3Large Turbines§r:\n§9-§r They work off §cInertia§r, which requires continuous running to achieve maximum Power.\n§9-§r Any excess unconsumed Energy produced will be §cvoided§r. So ideally you want to use large Energy buffers, and possibly control your Turbines with a redstone RS latch type of deal.\n§9-§r They require a §aRotor§r which loses durability over time and eventually §cbreak§r.\n§9-§r A little bit of Math is required to get the expected results.\n\n\nNow, with the §6upsides§r:\n§9-§r They can scale §9Power§r production substancially higher than the base output thanks to tiered §3Rotor Holders§r.\n§9-§r The §aRotor§r can give a huge boost to §dFuel efficiency§r, and §9Power§r production.\n§9-§r Self satisfaction for setting them up properly (yay!).\n\n\n§3Rotor Holders§r above the tier of the §3Large Turbine§r will §6double§r the production for every tier, multiplicatively.\n§3Rotor Holders§r above the tier of the §3Large Turbine§r will increase the efficiency by 10% for every tier, additively.\n\n§aRotors§r have a §9Power§r, §dEfficiency§r and §4Durability§r that are based on tool stats.\n§9Power§r multiplies the production of the §3Turbine§r. This stacks multiplicatively with the §3Rotor Holder§r.\n§dEfficiency§r reduces the fuel consumption. This stacks multiplicatively with the §3Rotor Holder§r.\n§4Durability§r is the lifetime of the §aRotor§r in seconds, when the §3Turbine§r is active.\n\n\n§2§lIn summary:§r\n\nThe §9Power§r output affects both the fuel consumption and the EU/t generation. It is calculated with the following formula:\n§cproduction \u003d baseEUt §l*§r rotorPower §l*§r 2^(rotorHolderTier - turbineTier)§r\n\nThe §dEfficiency§r reduces the fuel consumption, but does not alter the EU/t generation. It is calculated with the following formula:\n§cefficiency \u003d rotorEfficiency §l*§r (1 + 0.1 §l*§r (rotorHolderTier - turbineTier))§r\n\n\n§2§lSome examples:§r\n\nLarge Steam Turbine, with Ultimet Rotor and EV Rotor Holder:\nProduction \u003d 1024 §l*§r 1.60 §l*§r 2 \u003d 3276 EU/t\nEfficiency \u003d 1.30 §l*§r 1.10 \u003d 143%\n(Steam consumption \u003d 4582 L/t, this is above a Titanium Boiler, or a TungstenSteel Boiler with §m70% throttle)\n\nLarge Gas Turbine, with Chrome Rotor and EV Rotor Holder:\nProduction \u003d 4096 §l*§r 1.70 §l*§r 1 \u003d 5325 EU/t\nEfficiency \u003d 1.55 §l*§r 1.00 \u003d 155%\n(The same fuel consumption would produce 3435 EU/t using 6.7 Turbo Gas Turbines)\n\nLarge Plasma Turbine, with HSS-S Rotor and ZPM Rotor Holder:\nProduction \u003d 16834 §l*§r 2.50 §l*§r 4 \u003d 168340 EU/t\nEfficiency \u003d 1.80 §l*§r 1.20 \u003d 216%\n(This is more than a ZPM Amp!)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": []
diff --git a/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/multibock_troubleshooting.json b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/multibock_troubleshooting.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..096c157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/gregtech/terminal/guide/tutorials/en_us/multiblocks/multibock_troubleshooting.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "section": "Multiblocks",
+ "title": "Multiblock Troubleshooting",
+ "stream": [
+ {
+ "type": "textbox",
+ "content": [
+ "If a multiblock is formed, but you are having troubles figuring out why it does not run:\n§9-§r Check if the Multiblock is properly plugged in (we all make these mistakes!).\n\n§9-§r Do the initial Maintenance fix.\n\n§9-§r Verify the recipe usage, the max EU/t has to be greater than that of the recipe.\n\n§9- §rCheck the special requirements the recipe may have (JEI always has some kind of indication for it).\n\n§9-§r Make sure the recipe is properly input, this is less obvious than in a regular machine because you have to juggle between Input Bus and Input Hatch.\n\n§9-§r Make sure there is space for output. Maybe the multiblock formed but you forgot a Hatch. The other biggest offender is the Output Hatches being too low tier and having too little capacity!"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fixed": []