AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
24 hoursadd glass tube recipeDrNuget
24 hoursadd rubber plate recipe, red alloy dust recipeDrNuget
24 hoursmodified index.toml pack.tomlDrNuget
2 daysfix a typo and some minor changesDrNuget
2 daysdisable gtfo tree generationDrNuget
2 daysadd nickel vein to netherDrNuget
2 daysadd storage drawers modDrNuget
2 daysadd missing cofhworld modDrNuget
2 dayssimplify LV circuit, rubber bar, compressed fireclayDrNuget
8 daysadd automated redstone and redstone controlDrNuget
2024-09-07disable vanilla tools and simplify bunch of recipesDrNuget
2024-09-07add custom ore genDrNuget
2024-09-07add gregtech raw oil sphere backDrNuget
2024-09-07remove chisel basalt genDrNuget
2024-09-04modify nuclearcraft oredict prioritiesDrNuget
2024-09-04add more duplicates to disabled-itemsDrNuget
2024-09-01modify runConfig.jsonDrNuget
2024-09-01disable chisel rock generationDrNuget
2024-09-01remove mekanism items from disabled itemsDrNuget
2024-09-01packwiz refreshDrNuget
2024-09-01add crafttweaker+contenttweaker, remove mekanism ceuDrNuget
2024-09-01disable recipe bookDrNuget
2024-09-01fix nuclearcraft energy conversion ratioDrNuget
2024-09-01remove groovy test scriptDrNuget
2024-09-01modify gregtech configsDrNuget
2024-09-01removed duplicate groovy fileDrNuget
2024-09-01first commitDrNuget